Rhea Adanza- Mercuyo- Any day now! I feel your frustration, but in no time at all you will be updating us all with your wonderful birth story. Good luck my beautiful insan kaya mo yan update na lang pray ka namin at ang anak mo,
Freda Sagucio- Actually you are lucky in my opinion. I am being forced to have a c-section in 2 days but I would love to have my LO naturally. It would be great if she could come when she is ready.
Mrs. Victoria Meneses- Ano sabi ng Ob mo? Regular kba nagpapacheck-up?
Joanna Jamero- My original date was the 3rd and they just pushed it out at least another week.... I feel ya.
Linda Joper- you are not alone my dear sisi ! im due tommorrow &dr thinks she wont be here until the 10th its the most worst feeling 
Shane Ynarez- Your LO just wants to cook a little longer ;)
Jamie Graff- We have our first mommas hitting/passing their dues dates now. All the babies thus far have come early. It's a good thing though, you will be holding your Lo in no time. Good luck.
Fiona Mae Fray- How exciting! And anxiety producing since now you'll really be hoping any little twinge is labor ;) Congratulations on making it to 40 wks! I read that the average delivery date is 8 days overdue for FTM and 3 days for subsequent pregnancies so either way you are still on track to be average :)
Beth Ortiz- :) and this is my 3rd! My first was 10 days late induced, my second was 7 days late natural, so I am thinking or hoping this one will be here toward the end of this week...hang in there, at most you will only be pregnant for about 13 more days if your doc does the whole not going more than 42 wks thing like mine does.
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